Thursday, April 12, 2012



I am not really sure what we were supposed to write about for this weeks blog is an excerpt from a story I started...

A boy crept through the reeds, pushing aside tall stalks to clear a path before him. He hid in a clutch of papyrus, obscuring him from his pursuers.    The water was cool against his skin as it moved slowly toward the sea.  The water from the river fed the kingdom, it flowed through canals and irrigation ditches.  It brought nutrients from Nubia, giving the wheat of the area a special heartiness.   He spent most of his time by the river, playing or working with his father’s servants.  They would bind groups of reeds together in bundles.   And those bundled would by lashed together to form boats and rafts.  They also made bricks from the soft mud on the rivers banks.  Their homes were made from it.  When he thought about it, the river gave his people everything they needed.   It gave them bricks and fish, it fed their crops, even provided paper for the court scribes.

His mind wandered, he dreamt of chasing jackals into a crowd of buzzards.  Something about watching the birds scatter in fear of such a small creature amused him.   With their numbers, the buzzards could easily overwhelm a lone jackal, but it seemed that they had manners enough to know their place.   The jackal would always eat first, taking what little meat remained.  The buzzards, however, seemed perfectly content with the remains.  Their sharp beaks could easily strip the last bits of connective tissue from a cattle carcass.  The jackal, with his little teeth, can only pick away at substantial meat.  He felt like a jackal, sometimes.  Skittering around and hiding from the bigger children, picking away at whatever he could get.

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