The idea of starting a blog has always clanged around in this tin can I have for a head. Now, I am doing it. Granted, the terms of this blog's origin are highly influenced by my desire to pass this creative writing course but that point is probably moot. Those who know me know I have a lot to say about a lot of things, I guess I have an outlet for those thoughts now. I'm looking over the syllabus and preparing myself for this class and one thing strikes me immediately. Poetry. Well, fuck me sideways...
I am not a poetic person. I do not understand poetry. I do not like poetry. Part of me knew that poetry was going be a substantial part of this course and I took it anyway. I'm all for metaphor and the like...but I feel that poets take it too far. Comparing this too that, life to death, top to bottom, and somewhere I get lost in the fray. I'm not sure if it is that I don't understand what a poet means, or if I believe that a poem has meaning only to the asshole who wrote it, or even if it is just fucking nonsense. Maybe I am just apathetic to the practice of poetry and that is why I find it difficult. I'll spare any philosophical analysis of it for the moment, that will probably come up again later in the course and you can hear it then.
I can deal with fiction. I like fiction. I write fiction for fun sometimes. Fiction is o.k. But, after 20 minutes of reading what Shakespeare wrote and not understanding a fucking lick of it...Poetry...It's not my thing. Unless you count Dr. Seuss...I fucking love that guy.
In case you haven't picked up on it. My language will be crass. My thoughts will be disorganized. I might offend you. I will not sugarcoat things. Deal with it. I will continue to say what I want...well, until SOPA and PIPA shut me down.
good, now don't forget to write responses to the readings and post them here every week.