Thursday, March 22, 2012

Da fuq? Where'd the bass line go?

Ok.  Here is what I have to say for this week.   Warning the following may be extremely male chauvinistic...Everyone loves lesbians, right?  I mean seriously...Lesbians rule.  I'm reading The Women...She's talking about nipples and cunts, mixed in with some S&M.   But, all the smut and dirty mental images aside (always accompanied in my head by a smooth and funky bass guitar line), I got the feeling that she wasn't really talking about sex.  The thing that catches me is that she keeps talking about words being taken from her and given away.  Words that don't make any damn sense anymore, cause they haven't been used for "dozens" of years.

Also there is the imagery of this pen being stuck in her mouth, to shut her up.   For the first time in my life, I think that a sexy story about lesbians playing "doctor" wasn't really even about lesbians at all.   Call this off the wall, or maybe this class is just tapping into my ability to see things that are deeper than just the words, but this story seems to me to be a fucked up tale of a writer and her love affair with writing.  I know...I am just as shocked as you.  Me, a general type of asshole, thinking all deeply and whatnot.   It's fierce.

I was also kind of fond of Brenner's piece, You: a Love War Story was pretty interesting.  The style is what got me.   I've seen this style before...Tell a narrative of sorts, but through some crazy perspectives.   Journals, Letters, Notes, even what looks like a replication of a Tick...Bram did that.  That's right, motherfuckin' Bram Stoker.  While this story lacked the coherency of Dracula, the style was amazing.  Using different representations of Media to tell one(?) story.   I love that shit.   That's why I love Dracula...Great way to execute a story.   Or was it the lesbian brides he had in the Tower of the castle?  I can't remember...

1 comment:

  1. this is a most excellently thoughtful, and colorful, response... great analysis of the possible metaphorical read here.
